Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reading Wicca

Hello Everyone!

Today, I find myself reading Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham, a gift from a friend. I have never cracked this book before now, even though I highly respect the author. I suppose there are two reasons that I have never read this book. The first is that the opportunity has never presented itself. My local library does not have a copy, I don’t know anyone with a copy, and I’ve never seen it at a local book store. 

The second reason is that it is called “Wicca.” I have always been wary about the word “Wicca,” because a lot of Wiccans and Wiccan-themed books are focused around coven work with a High Priest and Priestess, with initations and ritual proceedings to “reach the next level of Wicca…” I have never really agreed with or seen the point in that type of practicing, and for that reason, I have oftentimes passed over titles with the word “Wicca” in them. 

However, Scott Cunningham’s Wicca is much different than, say, Lady Sheba’s. He makes it very clear that there are no set rules to Wicca and that his version of Wicca was learned through experience and may be changed or practiced in different ways by others, because not everyone believes 100% the same as he does. So far in this book, I have read things that I do and things that I do not agree with, but he writes in such a way that I can take away what I wish from his thoughts and leave what I do not believe behind. I respect this because with the book that I am writing, I hope to do the same. He educates others on his belief system, but he openly states that it is not only alright but also encouraged to change what you wish.

While teaching what he believes, and what many other practitioners believe, he also tells you to follow your intuition and your heart. He refers to the Goddess and the God as just that: “the Goddess and the God.” But he encourages the reader to use any deity names they might feel comfortable with. While he talks about the Goddess and the God, you may be reading about and practicing with Hera and Zeus, Artemis and Apollo, Hades and Persephone, Shiva and Parvati, or any other number of gods and goddesses from any pantheon. 

I am only two chapters into this book and already I am respecting Scott Cunningham even more than I already did. I am inspired and gracious because of this book and I hope that someday, someone feels the same about my own writing. 

Until next time!

Be Seeing You!
-Anne Elizabeth

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Life :)

Hello everyone!

I haven’t posted here in a few months, and that’s because my internet at home is down. I come back to you with some good news: I’m 4 ½ months pregnant! In May, my boyfriend and I will be finding out the gender of our little one. It took us a while, but we have names picked out. 

For a boy, we have Jasper Vincent. Jasper is for the stone, and Vincent is for Vincent Van Gogh, one of our favorite artists. 

For a girl we have Elysia Selene. Elysia is for the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology, which is the place in the Underworld where the just, honorable, and moral souls end up after death. Selene is for the Greek moon goddess of the same name. 

I am thrilled to be bringing new life into the world. It took me a while to get past the panicking part of finding out that I’m pregnant, and moving on to the happiness and excitement, but I’m finally here. Blessings to all!

Be Seeing You!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Drawn to Hades

Good evening.

Lately, I have been drawn to the Greek Underworld, also known as Hades, named after the god who presides over it. I have always been drawn to Greek mythology, but for some reason over the past month I've been very intrigued by the Underworld. It's different sections are all interesting enough on their own, and put together, it's all very fascinating.

Maybe this is my way of figuring out where I think I'm headed when I die, or maybe it's just a spiritual experience waiting to happen. Either way, I think I will be doing more research and meditation on the subject of Hades.

What section of the Greek Underworld most interests you?

What is something you have been spiritually drawn to as of late?

Be Seeing You!

Charon, the ferryman of the Underworld. Image found on Google.

Solitary Practice & Past Life Speculation

Good afternoon, everyone!

When I was first looking into paganism, the thing I wanted most was a coven of witches to help me learn and grow as a pagan. As I grew, however, I became more of a solitary practitioner. I do cast with my friends at times, but most of my work is done alone. It feels more spiritually right that way.

The first time I ever did any real casting work with other people, we used my altar in my bedroom at my old house. Next to my altar, there was a window that reached from the floor almost to the ceiling. It was nighttime, and the curtain over my window was open. As we set up the altar, I kept glancing out the window with a nervous sort of feeling. Whenever I had done solitary work before, my curtain had been closed.

Throughout that entire casting session, I felt the need to close the curtain, because I didn't want anyone peering in at us to see what we were doing. Mind you, this window faced my backyard, so there wasn't a huge chance of anyone walking by, but the feeling was still there. To this day, unless I'm casting outside, I never feel exactly right if I'm exposed by an open window. I've often wondered why this is.

I've never been one for past life regression, as it leaves too much to the human imagination, so here's one for past life speculation: when I get this nervous feeling, sentences such as "we shouldn't be seen," or "our craft should be hidden," surface in my mind. Oftentimes images will appear in my mind of other windows looking out on similar things, as if I were standing in a room centuries ago looking out on the evening before a casting session. Usually, I brushed these scenes and sentences off as nothing, but as it has happened so many times now, I have to wonder if I might be remembering pieces of a past life.

Because I am rooted in the old ways but feel the need to pave forward a road for others through a book of shadows of my craft, it would make sense that in a past life I was a witch of the burning times. They hid their craft from outsiders, but they passed it down through their bloodlines through personal books of shadows with instructions for spells and rituals, charms and brews. The difference is that they were forced to hide their craft from outsiders, while I am not. Religious freedom wasn't a huge thing back then, but these days it sure is.

I'm not telling you as fact that in a past life, I was a witch of the burning times. I am telling you that it feels like truth to me personally. Truthfully, we shall never know. I follow the Greek belief that on your journey through the Underworld, you must drink of the River Lethe and forget the memories you hold of your life. Through pathwork and meditation, it may be possible to recover some memories of past lives, but we will never truly know if these are true memories or if they are fabrications created by our own imaginations.

Be Seeing You!

A river in Alaska called Lethe. Image found on Wikipedia.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

R&R, Back in the Game! :)

Good afternoon!

Over the past couple of days, I have been doing some much needed relaxation. For weeks, I've been saying "I'm just going to relax today, no research or nonsense!" but the night before last was the only night I have actually relaxed without studying or researching. Last night, I started back up on my research, and with the break the night before, I felt much more motivated!

As of last night, I'm working my way through a book about druidic practices, as they have a lot of information regarding time in magic and spirituality. I expect to be done with it by tonight.

After this summer is passed, I don't think I will have as much time to research time in magic/religion/spirituality as I do now, therefore I am taking full advantage of the time I do have to go through as many books as possible. I'm very excited for this project, as I have been for a while now. Collecting the pieces is my goal for now. Putting them all together is for a later time!

Be Seeing You!

Image found on Google

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
-Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Image found on Google

A Place in the World

Hello everyone (for the second time today)!

After my post about religious discrimination, I started thinking. Have you ever felt freed from a certain part of your life? I feel like I'm moving on from certain things and growing into others.

I've put my discriminations behind me. I'm graduating high school, which granted took me a few extra years, but I am doing it. I'm thinking about going to college part time. I'm writing 2 books that I am absolutely passionate about. I don't enjoy staying up until all hours of the night doing nothing at all. I can't stand sitting at home doing nothing. I'm interested in things greater than myself (such as: history of different cultures, astronomy, people who are famous for good reasons such as Princess Diana, and just a general thirst for knowledge).

I honestly feel like I've finally let go of any immature notions that I'd been holding on to. I'm changing into this adult version of myself, and quite frankly I like it. I once thought, honestly, that I had no future. That I'd somehow just fade out of the world. I didn't have any hope at all. Now, I have this vision of my future. I have a vision of what I want in my immediate future, what I want in my far off future, and different ways of how I might achieve these things, and it feels amazing.

I wanted to share this here both for my benefit and for the benefit of others who might feel as if there's no hope for the future. I'm not sure how it happens, but at some point, you will realize and know that you have a place in the world, and you'll envision your path to that place.

Be Seeing You!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Leaving My Mark

Good afternoon!

Over the past few days, I have been creating the table of contents for my time book. Every time I make a change or an addition, I feel better about it. It's feeling more and more like an actual sect of paganism every day. The table of contents itself right now is my personal outline. I know what I want in the book and where I want it, now all I have to do is research and write!

I still have so long to go before it will be complete. It will never be absolutely complete, of course. But it's going to be a while before I will feel right about submitting this book for publication.

It feels so amazing to be writing this book. I'm leaving my mark in the world. I'm creating a new way of looking at things. I've never felt better about something I've done/am doing.

This post is a reminder to myself and to others about how great this project makes me feel. What are you feeling great about right now?

Be Seeing You!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Research Mode

Good morning world!

Yesterday and last night, I spent a lot of time taking notes out of library books so that I can take a few back today. By the time I went to bed last night, I had a crazy cramp in my hand. It was awesome! :D

Today, I'm thinking of doing the same. I have a friend I'm going to be hanging out with at 4 or 5, but I've got plenty of time for research between now and then.

Yesterday, I finished notes from Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft and The Sacred World of the Celts by Nigel Pennick. Today, I'm going to tackle my second demonology book. I doubt I will get through it by 4:00, but it's worth a try!

Tonight will be the same as well. Research mode!

Be Seeing You!

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Little Bit of Calendar History :)

Hello all!

Today while doing some timey research, I came across the names of the months and their origins. I knew some of them already, and I knew most of the origins for the names of the week days, but I wanted to learn them all. So, here's what I found out! 

The days of the week were named after the sun, the moon, and an assortment of deities. What's interesting to me is that barring the day of the sun and the day of the moon, all of the days were named for Norse gods/goddesses except for Saturday, which was named for a Roman god. 

Sunday - Sun's Day
Monday - Moon's Day
Tuesday - Norse God Tyr
Wednesday - Norse God Odin
Thursday - Norse God Thor
Friday - Norse Goddess Frigg or Freya
Saturday - Roman God Saturn

The months were named after gods, people, festivals, words, and numbers. September through December are named for numbers 7-10, and count from March rather than January. I assume that this is because the year for soldiers began in March, as there was no fighting in winter. 

January - Janus, god of gates and doorways. 
February - Februalia or Februo, a time of purification and sacrifice
March - Mars, god of war (Ares to the Greeks)
April - Aperire, which means "open" or "to open"
May - Maia, goddess of growth and plants
June - Juno, queen of the gods
July - Julius Caesar
August - Augustus Caesar
September - Septem, latin for 7
October - Octo, latin for 8
November - Novem, latin for 9
December - Decem, latin for 10

I love learning & sharing information about time and it's different subtopics. This is all for today, everyone!

Be Seeing You!

Happy Moon's Day (image found on google)

My Boxes!

Hey everyone :)

Last night, I finished painting my moon phase box! I love it. Painting is really fun for me. I have 3 boxes that I've painted for myself, and 1 that I gave to  my boyfriend. Here's some pictures of my 2 favorite boxes.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

An Arcana Scene

Hello everyone!

A few days ago, I asked my mom to take a look at a scene that I wrote for Arcana. It's great having a mom who's an editor because she helps me make good things even better. I really loved my scene, and after my mom gave me some advice about it, I rewrote certain parts, which made me love it even more. I think this scene is almost done.

The scene is about a Kelpie/Lorelei drowning a fey. They are both main characters of the book, and after this scene, they both have major life changes. The scene is pretty vivid, which I think is important. I'm really looking forward to having a big piece of this fiction project finished. I think today I will work on writing the prologue.

Anyway, I will be going to start my day now.

Be Seeing You!

The 7 Planets (Arcana)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve Part Two

Hey everyone! It's been 2013 here for an hour and a half now! I didn't do much in the witchie area, but I did start my Nortia's Board tradition! I will hang the board in my room until next year when it's time to do it again!

Tonight, I spent a lot of time with my mom playing cards and toasting the new year with root beer in the champagne glasses that we bought 13 years ago for the millennium!!! It was nice. Once I realized we'd had them for 13 years, I got kinda wigged though, lol.

Well, Happy New Year & Be Seeing You!